Friday, December 19, 2008

A little snow?

Not sure the mail carrier will get down my drive today unless the snow stops first and my neighbor plows - could be close!


tscrapper said...

Wow! We've been lucky in central Ohio that the snow keeps missing us. It's just pouring rain off and on today. Enjoy being snowed in! Maybe you could drink hot chocolate and work by the fire? (wish I could today)

Sweet Surrender Candles said...

There is still something neat about getting snowed in - and I have been in front of the fireplace a lot! Just so I get all my last minute orders out tomorrow I think all will be well!

Lucky you to get missed by it! I don't like seeing my profits go to pay for my driveway plowing - but I might just have to build a snowman!

Lona said...

Are we sick of it yet? LOL...

Sweet Surrender Candles said...

Yeah I think I was sick of the snow after my first winter here in 1996!